Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday, March 31, 2011

economics reduced to a single lesson ...

"... the whole of economics can be reduced to a single lesson, and that lesson can be reduced to a single sentence. The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups."
- "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt, 1946 revised 1978


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

bewilderment can be a fun hangout ...

Bewilderment is a curious condition, one in which I choose to spend little time, though it can be fun to hang out there.

One such moment came yesterday when I chose to watch a video online.

Ordinarily I would not watch a video based in a "teleview" network owned by an Australian fascist, but in this case it was the subject which caught my attention.

Ordinarily as well, I would not watch a video hosted by a certain personality employed by the Australian fascist, because he has turned into such a clown, when he does talk about a topic I find serious or interesting, he mucks it up so much he leaves me cold.

What attracted me to this particular video more was G. Edward Griffin, someone I follow whose research I respect, being interviewed by the clown ... and by the way, I generally like clowns, in venues where clowns are at their best, unlike here.

This scene bends into an awkward shape further, however, with the introduction of a representative of the Cato Institute, Mark A. Calabria.

Now I know enough about the Cato Institute to be unsure of it.

The Cato Institute was founded by Edward H. Crane (unknown to me) with help from Murray Rothbard (a name I trust), with funding from Charles de Ganahl Koch.

Charles Koch, along with his brother David Hamilton Koch, own Koch Industries.

William Ingraham Koch, one of Charles' and David's two other brothers, sold his share of Koch Industries after a legal battle in which he charged the company was taking oil from federal and Indian land.

From that it should be easy to see how Charles Koch's actions and attitudes might rub me the wrong way.

So here is this odd trio revealing a factual history of The Federal Reserve System, which has my complete attention, and in which the three of them seem to find no area of disagreement.

Even if this particular video only "scratches the surface" I am left bewildered because it seems to me these three men *cannot* somehow be in such agreement as they are, coming from their different positions.

Other than that peculiarity, I am not sure this video is of any great value ... unless you know absolutely nothing about the creation of the FED perhaps.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

will the real economic terrorist please stand up ... ?

What is called "politics" today is nothing more than a stage show designed to distract you and me from the system of economic slavery - more subtle and more sophisticated than any previous form of slavery - that has been imposed on us.

The threat Bernard von NotHaus posed was not to our economy, nor to our Constitution, but rather to the corporations which have hijacked and monopolized them.

What Bernard von NotHaus did was little different than what The Federal Reserve has done for 97 years and continues to do, in that both are *creating* money outside the purview of the United States Congress: one difference being that von NotHaus produced REAL money, a commodity which can be traded in any case, while the FED issues *debt-based* money which has absolutely NO backing other than "someone's" (yours and my) *promise to pay* as the FED money is created entirely out of THIN AIR, existing only when "someone" signs their name to a *debt obligation* (you or me as "consumer" or all of us as "taxpayers") ... but I am willing to bet most of you did not know that, and I am willing to bet SOME of you will STILL say "No way!" even after having been informed.

Bernard von NotHaus was "prosecuted" (pilloried) as part of the *stageshow* to make it appear to you the "justice" Department, SEC, et al. is *doing its job* - even while the real criminals continue to bleed you of your *blood, sweat and tears* wealth - your health, your labour, and your children - in forms of *hidden taxation* you have yet to awaken to, one of them being *inflation* which is actually the constant DEvaluing of the worthless paper and digital currency you depend on today, aka PETROdollars - devaluation caused by the constant *printing* (paper) or issuance (digital) of new Dollars which constantly decrease the value of Dollars you are already holding, yet many people in our society choose to continue to party even while they stare at the ICEBERG that is sinking our economy and our way of life, and I wonder what YOU are doing to prepare your children and grandchildren.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

where is our electronic umbrella when we need it ... ?

A week or so ago I had in my head the number of seismic events of various sizes under the sea to the east of Honshu
- along with a few on the west side of the island, and south of the entire area.

The main body of the now several hundred events of 4.5 or greater magnitude are all concentrated in a "surface" area on our planet not greater than five degrees north to south, five degrees west to east.

Among those events are dozens of earthquakes of 6.0 or greater in magnitude, including a few 7.0 and above
- all *aftershocks* of the 9.0 - in a series which "began" with a 7.2

Most of those events 6.0 and above are felt on the island, and some of them have even triggered tsunami alerts, though no new damaging waves have hit the island since March 11.

While we cannot begin to imagine what these days must be like for the Japanese people, what we cannot see are the smaller - less than 4.5 - events, which surely must now number in the high thousands since just before noon on March 9, Japanese local time.

The biggest natural differences I can see are that the Japan Trench is much deeper, it is relatively short, and a hundred mile length of reclaimed Honshu shoreline, mostly devoted to agriculture, was barely above sea level, and although tsumani defenses were constructed decades ago, they were not high enough to withstand a wave of the size generated just a few miles offshore on the afternoon of March 11.

Neither the Chilean coast nor the area affected by the Sumatra quake of 2004 had a nuclear plant with backup power generating and water cooling facilities installed at a very low elevation vulnerable to a wave as high as came onshore at Fukushima.

Somewhere recently I remember at least intending to say (may be I did not since I cannot find reference to it) something to the effect of, "Whether you believe the Japanese earthquake was a natural event or not ..."

This last winter has been a "haze" of weeks devoted to work with not much but sleep between shifts except for "glimpses" of what is happening in our world.

Information comes to me from many sources now, much of it anything but "mainstream" and when it does have "spin" I pretty much expect it, knowing the particular source as well as I do.

Some of the information is "wacky" and some is not, yet it comes from people who are looking at what is NOT in the "noose" and aware of things going on beyond "what we are expected to believe" - all of it enhancing my overall view which is no longer altogether "through the veil" but sometimes clearly on the other side of the veil most of us have had for so long to try to push aside to understand what we are hearing and seeing.

Still, I try to be cautious not to venture too far into "theories" - taking a "wait and see" approach instead.

Even so, I am not beyond offering a bit of my developing "unified theory" as I have done more than once.

I have said I do not believe man is yet capable of modifying weather and / or producing earthquakes, BUT ...

The technology *exists* to do both, AND it is being used - at least experimented with - and as in any "early stage of discovery" mistakes CAN and WILL BE (I am sure already have been) MADE.

Such technology has other uses, as well, and when the initial 7.2 hit Japan I was already aware of the solar activity which "threatened" earth's magnetosphere, a March 9 solar flare that was due to affect our planet Friday and Saturday, March 11 and 12.

Then, just after the 9.0 struck, between "naps" I was informed that HAARP had "burst" at almost the same time as the massive earthquake occurred.

That is what prompted me to want to say something to the effect of, "Whether you believe the Japanese earthquake was a natural event or not, efforts to protect our magnetosphere from Wednesday's solar activity may have inadvertently produced the Japanese earthquake" ... which produced the destructive tsunami, which destroyed the backup generators required to maintain cooling in the Fukushima reactors ...

... and if any of that IS true, it may well have been "inadvertent" - a "byproduct" of "saving our planet" - saving our electrical grid or saving our electronics, communication and transportation infrastructure, etc.

OR, I come back to that "economic warfare" that continues to be "waged" in various ways around our planet - provoked "grass roots" democratic uprisings possibly intended to "reconsolidate" control of petroleum and other natural resources, etc.

While "radiation concerns" panic North Americans, adding to PharmaCo *offshore* profits for 2011, and recent nuclear fervor is cooling, General Electric continues to bring "good things" even to the Oval Office.

Japanese oil consumption will decline as the Japanese economy, which has been in decline for decades, reels from the knockout blow from which it may never fully recover.

U. S. auto production is also clobbered by the destruction in Japan, in line with *zero industrial growth* imposed by the 1974 conference.

What appears to be "unrelated" and "natural" also appears to be in line with that decades old declared "global agenda" to which people are slowly awakening, yet most Americans remain fast asleep, like the air traffic controller in the tower, while planes continue to land, and a Chinese submarine launches a missile from the channel 35 miles "off the coast of Los Angeles" in broad daylight.

The most sobering part of my day right now is looking at the 175-foot tower venting steam over the power plant at the ship yard three blocks from where I work five days a week, knowing full well that if there are *nuclear targets* on the West Coast of the United States, I am looking at (standing at) *ground zero* for one of them, and I keep asking myself whether I can contemplate that for four more years.

When I saw the HAARP signal images coinciding with the then 8.9 event off Honshu, I knew that action could have been either "accidental" or *intentional* and frankly, it gave me such a sinking feeling to think either scenario could be true, yet knowing that is "where we are" today, technologically speaking, I have to continue to educate my own self and at the same time not appear to be going "off the deep end" in terms of communicating with everyone, with anyone

... but now the kicker is that apparently the images from Gakona were taken down from public view for a few days, and then when "outcry" developed, they were put back up on the site.

Of course the "problem" for me is that such "information" is still *second hand* - not personally verifiable by me - and there is only so much I can do - yet if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... you know I do not believe in coincidence.

I see a future being "fashioned" for us all, and I do not like it.

We are too used to seeing images of destruction - Christchurch recently: "It can happen anywhere, any time, and to such nice people." - and there are worse images to come, I believe, and they are not so far off in time that we will miss seeing them, unless our "electronic umbrella" is blown away by the solar wind.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

People are not going to stand by any more ...

We are all, each and every one of us, free, under God, within our heritage of Natural Abundance, as "workstations" of the Universe, mini-creators, individuals feeling our way through this physical "reality" - free - free to come and go as we choose, as we Will.

Except that we find ourselves at times (through our whole life some of us) "pinned down" - because we are led, allow ourselves to be led, trained, accustomed to follow; because we trust the *stated intent* of certain persons we listen to, human beings just like us, except they do not necessarily act out the intentions they put into words, print, speeches, while they derive illegitimate power over us through their deceptions, and through that downward spiral, the more we trust those individuals, the greater their power, and the more we yield to their "good intentions" the more they convince us we are powerless against what we fear - one of those fears being the possibility we dare not admit: that we have chosen the wrong leaders.

One thing that has been capturing my attention more lately is hearing little clips and quips on radio - the actual voice of an Obama or Clinton or some person saying exactly such and such - and I write down what I hear, word for word, then search for it on Internet.

It is not on Internet to be found apparently.

At least not yet, and may be it is just "too soon"
... but it makes me wonder, with the filters for the varieties of information I have developed.

We know - at least I believe we *should* know by now - that we are not given the *exact* truth; more, that we are given usually some *semblance* of truth, partial truth, *pieces of truth* (like Pieces of Eight), enough to leave us with a feeling that we are *informed* even though in truth we know very little, and what we "think we know" may actually be leading us *away* from truth without our suspecting what is actually happening.

So I wonder if this is yet another of the mechanics of deception ...

Not that it is new - just that I had not recognized it previously for what it is ?

... that a "leader" would put something in the mind, in the public psyche, through audio, which cannot be "verified" (quoted) through print:

"She said such and such at a certain time and place."

Just a sound byte, maybe a video image to go with.

So Hillary Clinton could be heard daily, for example, every hour of the hour, with a new line about Egyptian Solidarity, human freedoms, the rights of Egyptians - while anyone could make the simple leap of "What is good for Egyptians is good for ____" - as if bolstering the Patriot Movement in the U. S. - something she and her husband did their best to crush while he was president, holding hands with Janet Reno, with events at Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City and elsewhere.

Yet except for someone bored enough, smart enough (or foolish enough) to record and save those 30-second sound bytes, who would know she said that, or Obama or whoever said what he said ... ?

"People are not going to stand by any more and not
realize their God-given potential."
- Hillary Clinton, ABC News, January 30, 2011

William Jefferson Clinton was just doing the bidding of his tutors, mentors, financiers, after all, while he did more damage to human freedoms in the U. S. and around the world than any president before him (whether worse has been done since is another discussion).

His wife has her own reasons for having stayed married to that man, and has her own history behind her to be sure, and anyone who thinks Hillary "stepped aside" from the presidential "nomination" to take a lesser role is more the fool because Barack Obama would not have served so well as Hillary's "Kissinger" as Hillary has served Obama in that way.

So why WOULD she decline to continue to "serve" in that role - not serve Obama, that is, but serve THEIR masters who posed them as "adversaries" in the last (s)election.

The woman whose husband was president while "foreign" troops were being introduced to the U. S. *interior* (yes, they are here even now, as I have seen with my own eyes) while U. S. troops were being used in *UNconstitutional* ways outside the U. S.

Even communists will "go quietly" when at their door a soldier reads lines of English from a card, or from a computerized visor:

"Come with us."

"We will turn off the lights and lock up the house."

"We will take you to see your husband / wife / children."

... or whatever polite request might be offered those who will "disappear" as if the Rapture had come to Pottersville.

When the time comes ...


Sunday, February 6, 2011

where all men are created equal ...

Right now ...

There are over 260 miles of fiber-optic cables inside the Cowboys "Super Bowl" Stadium

... so you can order hot dogs from your seat and they will be delivered to you promptly.

There are still over 5500 homeless people in Dallas, Texas.
